About Emperor Penguins

Physical Appearance: Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins. Their average heights of these birds are about 45 inches (115 cm) tall. They are easily recognizable with their black cap, blue-grey neck, orange ear-patches and bills and yellow breasts. Compared to flying birds, the feathers of these penguins are highly specialized and modified. The outer feathers are covered in a greasy waterproof coating and the layers of feathers help retain heat in the harsh conditions of the Arctic winter.

Habitat: They live on the Antarctic ice, and are one of only two species of penguin that inhabit the Antarctic continent (the other being Adelie penguins). In the harsh cold climate, where wind chills can reach -60°C, they huddle together to escape wind and conserve warmth. Individuals take turns moving to the group's protected and warmer interior.

Breeding: Emperors breed in winter. Once females lay a single egg, they take off on extended hunting trip that lasts up to two months, and will leave the egg behind with their male partner. Depending on conditions, females may need to travel 50 milesjust to reach the open ocean, where they will feed on fish, squid, and krill.
Male emperors protect their eggs by keeping it between their legs. This also gives the egg warmth. During the incubation period, males are able to fast.
Once the females return to the breeding site, they regurgitate food to the hacked chicks.

Food: They feed primarily on shoaling fish, small crustaceans and squid. They can dive more than 300 meters deep, and are able to remain under water for as long as 22 minutes if necessary. The majority of their dives last only 3-6 minutes.st only 3-6 minutes.

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